We invite you to join us for worship on Sundays 10:30am.
What to Expect
Legacy Church is a place where people of all stages of faith are welcome. Whether you have known Christ for decades or you come as a skeptic investigating who Jesus is, our hope is that you will find both the love and challenge of Christ presented in a thoughtful and compelling manner.
Every church has a liturgy of some form, whether or not it’s talked about. The word "litrugy" comes from the Greek leitourgia, which is a combination of two other words: people (laos) and work (ergon). Literally, a liturgy is a “work of the people,” or perhaps more helpfully, a “public service.” Therefore, at its most basic, “liturgy” refers to the order of a corporate worship service.
Serving the Triune God in corporate worship is not left to mere speculation or creative thinking. God has shown us in His Word what worship is and what is to be included in His corporate worship.
Every week our God tells us the good news that Jesus saves sinners and shapes us into a new people for His glory and the good of the world.
We endeavor to make use of biblical elements and to structure them in such a way that there is a theological progression. The liturgy at Legacy Church is a way of telling the gospel story. Our liturgy is the good news that by His grace Jesus Christ saves sinners like us from death to life. This is the story of God making all things good, the world and humanity turning against him, and God’s persistent love demonstrated in rescuing his people through His Son, Jesus Christ, who offers forgiveness to all who call on His name and is making all things new in himself.
What about children?
We love children! Children are valued as a central part of our community. We seek to teach our children about Jesus and help them grow to love and follow him. In an effort to come alongside of parents as they endeavor to disciple their children we have three Children's Discipleship Classes, including the nursery. These classes provide age appropirate learning and are dismissed midway through our service. We encourage parents to use the time in the service with your children to be discipling them as they observe and participate with you in corporate worship together.
What should I wear?
Some people dress up, while many others simply wear jeans and a t-shirt. Our belief is that God cares much more about the condition of our hearts than our external appearance. When you visit, please feel free to dress however you feel comfortable.
When and Where
Our Worship Service begins at 10:30am every Sunday and is usually around 90 minutes.
714 E. Sunset Dr.
Bellingham, WA 98225